One Client’s Journey

My battle with vaginismus started when I was 19 years old. I was a ballet and musical theatre performer at the time and remember my period arriving unexpectedly before performing on stage one night.

I was given a tampon from a friend and remember trying to insert it several times but it refused to go in. As I persevered the anxiety escalated resulting in a panic attack in the cubical. It felt as if the tampon was knocking against a brick wall and my vagina refused to open up. I couldn’t feel any hole to insert the tampon in. After continuous failed tampon attempts years on and unsuccessful intercourse attempts my anxiety, depression and confidence deteriorated and I began to isolate myself over the years.

I was always rejected from every man that I tried to date. The relationship would last 2 months or even less because sex was an important part of the relationship for each man I dated. Fearing rejection, I stopped dating and eventually cut off contact with friends who were always talking about sex, boys, lingerie shopping and who were continuously dating (which at the time growing up should have been exciting to take part in) Not to mention I was sexually assaulted when I was 18 but kept very quiet as I felt embarrassed by the incident which later, I found out played a big part in having the vaginismus condition.

From ongoing CBT therapy, PTSD, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychosexual therapy, Hymen surgery, Botox surgery, I was yet to cure my vaginismus condition and with myself being financially broke and my father being made redundant from the oil industry at the time, I started to lose hope and developed suicidal thoughts. I didn’t see the point in living anymore, I just felt completely drained. What was the point if I couldn’t have a healthy relationship with myself or with a partner to later create a family which was always a dream of mine. Why live if I have to walk through life alone?

However, all of this changed when I met Katrina Clark. It just so happened to be that my previous therapist announced she was stopping face to face sessions and moving country. The lockdown period enabled myself and my parents to research more therapist to add to my vaginismus journey.

The holistic approach very much appealed to me. It was a different technique altogether from any other therapy methods I had ever experienced connecting the mind, body and soul and putting it all at ease and in balance. Katrina explained that your inner world will always be affected by your outer world whether good or bad which totally made sense. My body was protecting me all along and with all bodies having muscle memory, mine remembered my previous traumatic events and had never fully healed from them and never gained trust with myself or anyone else since.

After 10 months of intensive therapy sessions, I can finally say I’m on the 5th dilator (Last Dilator!!), a medical tool varied in sizes used for women who have my condition to insert into the vagina. I would have never thought this would have been possible in a million years!

Katrina not only has given my confidence back but all because of her Reiki and holistic approach sessions my body and soul feels reborn again. Now I have developed a strong relationship with myself by understanding my boundaries as a woman.  In addition to this I now understand my natural blue print and identity as a woman, the anatomy of my yoni and the idea of connecting more to my feminine side by exploring other love languages which equally radiates yoni energy furthermore meeting my needs first as opposed to always pleasing others. The list could go on!!

My experience was incredibly life changing as my mind, body and spirit are now working in sync.

Thanks to Katrina the holistic approach enabled me to gain more clarity with certain events in my life and also improved my well-being, lowered my stress levels and reduced my trauma responses.
Words can’t express how grateful I am. Katrina has been such an inspiration to me and my inner healing journey. There is such a beautiful calmness about Katrina that fully put me at peace as soon as I entered her spiritual setting. She made me feel that I had a purpose and as voice on this planet.

I no longer needed to walk through life alone. I left each session feeling excited and motivated to learn more as I was finally on the right path towards healing and enlightenment. My vaginismus condition is on its way to being cured and a huge weight is finally being lifted. I would fully recommend Katrina Clark from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much  for spreading your love, light and knowledge ♥️


My IVF Journey


Reiki — A Call To Love